A new website has been launched by the European Bathroom Forum in its push for a single water labelling standard across the EU.
Its launch coincided with World Water Day, which took place on March 22.
Bathroom manufacturers across Europe are aiding governments in the quest to reduce water consumption by producing technologically advanced bathroom products that use less water, save energy and money.
The Water Label scheme is aimed at providing consumers with easy access to a database of bathroom products that meet high water and energy saving standards.
It also aims to create a label that helps both installers and consumers become more aware of water issues and water saving products currently on the market.
Yvonne Orgill, chief executive of the Bathroom Manufacturers Association (BMA), which is a partner to the scheme, commented: “Our vision is for a European-wide label. We are looking to achieve a voluntary agreement within the industry and hope to reach 80% of the market, based on how much water will be saved.”
She also revealed that Keele University would be undertaking the environmental modelling for the scheme, with EU funding.
“There is a great deal of support for a Water Label across Europe,” she said. “The Government has been conducting research with Waterwise and the water utilities to look at a mandatory label, while Michael Gove stated his position clearly at the Water UK City Conference earlier this month, warning water companies that continued failure would lead to tougher regulation ensuring consumers receive the service they deserve – and the natural world is better protected.
“Those registering on the Water Label Scheme are demonstrating their voluntary commitment to sustainability and reduction of water use. As scheme partners, our role will be to promote the Water Label within the industry and educate consumers to look for the label as a guide to buying sustainable products that conserve water, while saving energy and money.”
The scheme currently has the support of 138 brands, with a total of 10,801 products between them. European manufacturers pay a fee to join the scheme, which covers all products.