Episode 2 – KSL, KBSA and Franke

This is episode two of our new special podcast looking at how kitchen and bathroom retailers are coping and managing the business uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus.

Today we’ve got a couple of great guests with real insight into what’s happening – Richard Hibbert is the owner of KSL in Sudbury but also the current chairman of the Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom Specialists Association (KBSA) and Neil Clark is the UK managing director of one of the biggest suppliers in the sector, Franke.

Get in touch with Richard via LinkedIn or the KSL website https://www.kslsudbury.co.uk/

You can find out all about the KBSA at https://www.kbsa.org.uk/

And Neil is also on LinkedIn and you can find out all about Franke at https://www.franke.com/gb/en.html

You can find Andrew Davies on LinkedIn or email direct [email protected]

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