The Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom National Training Group (KBB NTG) has been dissolved, according to trade association the KBSA.
In a statement, the KBSA said that it was working with KBB NTG Ltd “to ensure ongoing training support of the kitchen industry during this period of change”.
The training group was founded by industry representatives with the aim of ‘raising skill levels in all sectors of the industry through education and good practice’. It was run by chied executive Renée Mascari, co-owner of Nottingham-based kitchen retailer Mascari Design, chairman Ray Isted, previously head of training at Whirlpool, and vice-chairman Tony Pace.
The NTG team were instrumental in helping to launch the Foundation Degree Course in Kitchen Design at Bucks New University.
“We are working towards safeguarding the excellent work and achievements carried out by Renée Mascari and the NTG,” said Tina Riley KBSA national chair.
“The KBSA would like to take this opportunity to thank Renée for her hard work and excellent achievements on behalf of the kitchen industry. We wish Renée continued success with her kitchen studio and design practice which she wishes to dedicate more time.”