Welcome to the kbbreview podcast, your host is Andy Davies and this is episode 4 of season 5.
And it’s a big picture episode this week as we’re all about the numbers.
With so many scary numbers floating around about the economy we thought we’d ask two of our favourite researchers to come up with a couple of interesting numbers each that they believe really illustrate the current state of the KBB market.
And they’re not necessarily what you’d think.
We have kbbreview’s Matt Baker talking to Jane Blakeborough from Trend Monitor and Dave Ruston from Eureka Research.
Then at the end, just as a little easter egg, there’s a short interview Andy did at the Bathroom Manufacturers Association Conference a few months ago with Robert Llewelyn – better known as the actor who plays Kryten from Red Dwarf . He’s actually a very accomplished conference speaker talking mostly about how the car industry is evolving and changing as it tackles its role in climate change – very relevant to the struggle the KBB industry finds itself in.
He’s a very interesting guy but, don’t worry, Andy does get him to do the Kryten voice as well…
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