Bathroom retailer Victorian Plumbing has been listed in The Sunday Times Virgin Fast Track 100.
The list ranks private companies in Britain that have the fastest growing sales over the past three years.
Victorian Plumbing was ranked 16th and has seen annual sales grow by 90.16% during the three years to 2015.
The company has attributed its rapid growth to significant investments in key areas.
It has seen a heavy focus on brand building, which included several TV ad campaigns, and investment in infrastructure, including two dispatch warehouses in Skelmersdale and a revamped customer service centre and showroom in Formby.
Victorian Plumbing managing director Mark Radcliffe said: “To be featured on The Sunday Times Fast Track 100 marks a significant milestone for Victorian Plumbing and it’s something we’re very proud of as we’ve managed to achieve this without any external investments.
“The phenomenal level of growth of the company over the past three years is the reward for all the hard work and enthusiasm our staff display on a daily basis. 2016 has also been another excellent year for the company and we’re looking forward to building on the growth we’ve had in 2017.”