Burton-based retailer Albion Bathrooms and Kitchens has moved to larger premises and become a Euronics outlet.
The move also saw it change its name to Albion Bathrooms Kitchens Electricals.
The retailer will now include freestanding and built-in kitchen appliances from brands such as Bosch, Neff and Siemens.
The retailer will now supply and fit bathrooms, kitchens and electrical appliances within a 60-mile radius of Burton-on-Trent.
Managing director Dave Jarvis said: “When the owner of another local business – New Ideas – decided to retire, we realised the potential of taking on the Euronics brand, which necessitated the move to larger premises. The move hasn’t been without slight delays, but we are now on the platform, which will shape the company’s future for the next 10 years.”