Shower specialist the Coram Group is planning a relaunch of Dutch bathroom accessories brand Geesa in the UK market.
Speaking at a press briefing at the brand’s HQ in Amersfoort in Holland, John Blackburn (pictured), Coram Group UK managing director said: “Since the beginning of 2014, Coram Group UK has held the licence to distribute Geesa products in the UK.
“In early 2015 we tested the UK market with them and found the result to be overwhelmingly positive. We are now primed for a full-scale UK launch.
“We have some exciting plans for bringing the products to the UK and believe that the dynamic brand is ideally positioned to align with our Impey wetroom products, to create a visually stunning, modern showering environment.”
According to Blackburn, Coram will be targeting retailers who already specialise in Impey products. As part of the strategy it is introducing a Preferred Retailer concept where qualifying retailers will benefit from a range of additional benefits.
“The brand is available to any Impey dealer but we also want to have a Preferred Geesa Retailer in each city and major town throughout the UK,” Blackburn explained. “We are looking for between 60-70 of these specialists in total. To qualify as a Preferred Retailer, they will be expected to commit to the brand by featuring a set number of prominent displays of Geesa products. In return they will receive extra benefits including improved sales terms, sales staff incentives, exclusive promotional offers and FOC display units.”
The launch coincides with a complete restructure of the Coram UK Group sales team. The plan is to combine its Impey and Coram sales teams together to improve efficiency and service.