Successful businesses and industries are always looking for fresh, new, creative talent.
The development of this pool of new, young talent is so important to the future of the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom retail sector and this is why kbbreview is introducing its ‘Rising Stars’ award as part of the Save Our Skills campaign.
And, as part of our Save Our Skills intitiative, the Rising Stars Award is sponsored by Quooker.
To find out more, follow this link
This month’s Rising Star:
Sarah McNeill, kitchen sales designer, Harvey Jones
“Sarah started with us in May 2018 in Edinburgh as a showroom administrator. From the outset Sarah’s passion for learning was evident and she quickly became heavily involved with many Edinburgh/Glasgow client’s projects assisting the designers with all stages of project management.
Sarah already had a lot on her plate but wanting to learn more about our business for a number of months also helped our head of HR with recruitment administration.
Sarah is very detail-oriented, having honed this skill whilst studying her BA honours Degree at University of Dundee and being an administrator for us, after a couple of years in this role she made the transition from to designer.
Sarah has whole heartedly taken on her latest role as a designer. She is incredibly creative as well as conscientious and often helps her clients to really think outside the box.
She shows great flexibility with our kitchen styles and can beautifully design both traditional and contemporary kitchen spaces. One of Sarah’s best skills is her ability to confidently use colour throughout her projects.
Transitioning roles is not always easy but Sarah has seamlessly achieved this putting her in a great position to be a successful designer for us for years to come.
Matt Dagworthy, sales director & Olivia Faranda, marketing director, Harvey Jones