Welcome to The kbbreview Podcast, this is Episode Six of Season Nine and today we’re looking at influencers.
No, don’t worry, we don’t mean people who used to be on Love Island, we mean the people that have a massive influence on not only the products that go into new bathrooms, but also who consumers are buying those products from.
And that’s installers.
It’s not news that installers have a big influence, but a new study has looked into the details of it and found some really interesting nuances that underline just how important they are, and how that influence stretches up the purchase chain.
It was commissioned by the Bathroom Manufacturers Association, or BMA, with the collaboration and support of its members, and we’re talking through the findings with Dave Ruston from Eureka! Research and Jane Blakeborough, the BMA’s research manager.
Here’s the link through to the report overview
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