Welcome to episode eight of season nine of The kbbreview Podcast, your host is Andy Davies and today we’re talking about installers again. A couple of weeks ago we did a really interesting episode looking at new research into the influence they have over the consumer.
There was a LOT of interest in that one so today we’re looking at how kbb retailers actually deal with installers. Which is better, using sub-contractors or employing them directly?
Subs are great because you only gave to pay them when you use them so you can expand or contract accordingly. However, you’re at the whim of their diary and don’t have ultimate control over what they do when.
So employing directly deals with that, but how do you keep them busy if business drops? And where do you even find them and persuade them to stop being self employed and go on the books of a different business?
There are lots of pros and cons and we’ll be talking them all through with retailers Nick Warrington from Stuart J Warrington, Martin Jones from Cwtch Haus and Mark Conacher from installation company Liberty.
Don’t forget you can find out all about the kbbreview Retail & Design Awards 2024 at kbbreview.com/awards
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