Primal Instinct: Virtual Worlds 4D technology and neuromarketing

4D technology and an understanding of the science behind neuromarketing will trigger your clients’ ‘primal brain’ and help you seal the deal when presenting designs.

As designers having to ‘sell’ ideas to clients, you’re in the business of sales. Or, more poetically: the art of persuasion. But is it really an art? Consumer behaviour experts Christophe Morin and Patrick Renvoise have evidence suggesting there is science behind how a person can be persuaded to do anything. But how can you benefit from neuromarketing?

Rational Brain vs. Primal Brain

The two major systems that make up our nervous system are the rational and the primal brain. The rational brain is the more evolved and mediates some of the responses of the primal brain, which dominates our processing and addresses your safety and survival instinct. You may think the rational brain deals with persuasive messages, but in fact it’s the more primal counterpart that drives this type of decision making.

Using 4D Technology

Virtual Worlds 4D Theatre puts clients right at the centre of your designs. Via a virtual reality headset, your client can walk around their new room guided by you. If appealing to their primal brain is the way to achieve the most agreeable outcome on a project, it makes sense to pay attention to what Morin and Renvoise call the six persuasion biases – the factors that affect primal brain responses. Let’s look at how Virtual Worlds 4D Theatre can help tackle these key biases.

Virtual reality hands


The primal brain is the core of ‘me’ and ignores anything not immediately concerning its well-being. This is what 4D technology really taps into. The experience literally centres on and around them; it simulates their own room in their own home.


A solid contrast such as before/after allows the primal brain to make quick, risk-free decisions. The beauty of the 4D Theatre is being able to switch from one worktop to another at the press of a button, offering clear contrastable options.


Compared to looking at designs on the page or screen, Virtual Worlds 4D Theatre is tangible. The primal brain is constantly looking for what is familiar and can be recognized quickly and easily. The ability to walk around and interact with a room design satisfies this bias.


Not great at remembering, the primal brain is more tuned into storytelling. The real benefit of the 4D Theatre is being able to construct a narrative about your client’s room while they’re standing in it, making the experience memorable.


Physically connected to the primal brain, our optical nerve allows us to make fast decisions. The 4D Theatre takes this visual sense – the most dominant – to the next level by making it interactive. Because we process details in the centre of our visual field, the 4D Theatre allows the client to take their time and interact with each element individually and as part of the whole design.


The primal brain is affected by your emotional state, which the 4D Theatre plays on. When using the software, the experience begins with your client standing on a futuristic platform, suspended in space above planet Earth to build anticipation. As your client is transported into the design, an emotional lift is created at ‘the big reveal.’

For more information on Virtual Worlds 4D Theatre, please email [email protected] or call 01908 663848.

Further reading: Christophe Morin and Patrick Renvoise: The Persuasion Code: How Neuromarketing Can Help You Persuade Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime. John Wiley & Sons.

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