How to stay in front of your audience

Nadia Qureshi, marketing director at Sheraton Interiors, offers some advice on how to formulate an effective marketing strategy

During these challenging times, it is more important than ever to stay in front of our target audience and luckily nowadays, there are many forms of marketing available from traditional to online marketing which allows us to do so. 

These are our top tips for an effective marketing strategy…

Have a strong online presence
Almost everyone looks to Google nowadays as a source of information, so whether it be social media or your website, keep it up-to-date and keep your presence strong.

Create partnerships
Look for opportunities to create partnerships with bigger brands or even a local business to create brand awareness.

Sponsor local events
Making yourself known within your local community is the best way to gain recognition and even gives you the opportunity to turn up and speak to your target market face to face.

Email marketing

Don’t forget good old-fashioned email marketing. There are many types of software now that make it easy to send out targeted email campaigns, such as Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, etc. Take advantage of this to get into people’s inboxes and show them what you are all about.

Reviews from people that have tried and tested your service are like gold dust. They hold great value in the eyes of someone that is thinking about handing over their money to your company. 

And most of all, stay consistent
Marketing isn’t effective if you just ‘give it a go’. You need to be prepared to be in it for the long haul. Create a marketing strategy, find out what works for you and your business, and stick to it.

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