2020 Fusion, one the longest-standing and well-known of CAD design packages is to be ‘phased out’ following the merger between KBB software giants Compusoft and 2020 in December 2021.
The company formed from that merger, Cyncly Group, told kbbreview that the Winner Flex platform would be the ongoing option for small to medium sized kitchen businesses across Europe.
“After the merger between Compusoft and 2020, we have been looking to enhance the experience and maximise the value we offer to customers as the combined Cyncly Group,” the company said. “We have chosen Winner Flex to be our preferred kitchen design platform moving forward and will be phasing out the ability to continue with Fusion.
“This decision was taken so that we can concentrate our investments in continuous improvement for Winner and scale our leading customer support teams. For our Enterprise Fusion customers, we continue to partner with them and support their solution, ensuring all their customisations and catalogue needs are delivered to our same high standard.”
The company said that the transition would be eased by a programme called “Selling with Winner” and extended access to Fusion would also be provided. Designers will also have the ability to access previous Fusion projects via the Flex platform as well as import all their contacts into Winner Flex.
“Content is still available on Fusion and we are ensuring that all supported customers receive the usual excellent standard of service and content support that they have come to expect. We will continue to update the product catalogues for use by Fusion Enterprise clients,” the company said.
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